Would you consider leaving The Concertina Charitable Trust a legacy?
Two simple steps you can take to include the Concertina Charitable Trust in your Will.
Leaving a legacy to the Concertina Charitable Trust is very straightforward.
1. You need to decide the type of legacy you wish to leave.
a. Residuary Legacy – A gift of all (or part) of the residue of your estate when all debts, charges and gifts have been deducted.
b. Pecuniary Legacy – A gift of a fixed amount of money
c. Specific Legacy - A gift of a particular item, e.g. a piece of jewellery, musical instrument or artwork.
2. You need to update your Will to include your gift to The Concertina Charitable Trust. Your solicitor or professional adviser will be able to help you make a simple addition or amendment to your Will. It may help if you take along the slip below which details the correct form of words you should use to describe The Concertina Charitable Trust in your Will. You can include instructions on how you would like us to use your legacy in this passage:
“I give to The Concertina Charitable Trust
(Registered Charity No. 1104895)
(description of legacy)
to be used for
(instructions for use)
and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised office shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge.
If you decide to leave a legacy to The Concertina Charitable Trust, we would like to acknowledge your gift. You might like to discuss ways in which you can become involved in our work during your lifetime. If you would prefer your gift to remain anonymous, we will respect your wishes.
If you have any further questions or would like more information on leaving a legacy to The Concertina Charitable Trust, please do not hesitate to contact us, it would be our great pleasure to help.
Simon Baynes, the Administrator, would be delighted to hear from you. He may be contacted by post as below:
The Concertina Charitable Trust
Nells Platt
Smithwood Common
Surrey GU6 8QY
Website: www.concertinamusic.org.uk